Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Give more love

“Sometimes, when you are not getting the love you want, giving makes you think you will.” – Mitch Albom

BAM. one quote to sum up my life thus far.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Две вещи в жизни женщины...

Две вещи в жизни женщины абсолютно неизбежны — появление пыли на мебели и разочарование в мужчине. 

Анхель де Куатье "Маленькая принцесса"

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

letting letting letting

I think I'm going to write a book "How to let go of things not meant for you"

Sunday, July 14, 2013

blinded by optimism

Maybe I'm just that naive to believe that people are "good" from the beginning. It blinds me... there were plenty of warning signs but I kept going because of this idea that there is so much potential in this person. And he kept rising and I kept hoping and kept rising... and right when I thought that this was going to work, right when I decided that this might be exactly IT, I got totally side swiped.
I can imagine myself driving along a nice road. There are a couple of showers here and there, maybe some sharp turns, but for the most part it's a very enjoyable ride. And all of a sudden this huge truck cuts me off and I see myself swerving off the road and into the woods. I am trying to stop, but it's a hill. It's a bumpy ride and I eventually slow down and hit a tree. The car is damaged, but I'm okay.
This is how I feel emotionally. I know I am OK and I will be okay, but the shock of what has happened runs through me over and over again.