Thursday, November 18, 2010

60 Ways To Make Life Simple Again

  1. Don’t try to read other people’s minds.  Don’t make other people try to read yours.  Communicate.
  2. Be polite, but don’t try to be friends with everyone around you.  Instead, spend time nurturing your relationships with the people who matter most to you.
  3. Your health is your life, keep up with it.  Get an annual physical check-up.
  4. Live below your means.  Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.  Always sleep on big purchases.  Create a budget and savings plan and stick to both of them.
  5. Get enough sleep every night.  An exhausted mind is rarely productive.
  6.  Get up 30 minutes earlier so you don’t have to rush around like a mad man.  That 30 minutes will help you avoid speeding tickets, tardiness, and other unnecessary headaches.
  7. Get off your high horse, talk it out, shake hands or hug, and move on.
  8. Don’t waste your time on jealously.  The only person you’re competing against is yourself.
  9. Surround yourself with people who fill your gaps.  Let them do the stuff they’re better at so you can do the stuff you’re better at.
  10. Organize your living space and working space.
  11. Get rid of stuff you don’t use.
  12. Ask someone if you aren’t sure.
  13. Spend a little time now learning a time-saving trick or shortcut that you can use over and over again in the future.
  14. Don’t try to please everyone.  Just do what you know is right.
  15. Don’t drink alcohol or consume recreational drugs when you’re mad or sad.  Take a jog instead.
  16. Be sure to pay your bills on time.
  17. Fill up your gas tank on the way home, not in the morning when you’re in a hurry.
  18. Use technology to automate tasks.
  19. Handle important two-minute tasks immediately.
  20. Relocate closer to your place of employment.
  21. Don’t steal.
  22. Always be honest with yourself and others.
  23. Say “I love you” to your loved ones as often as possible.
  24. Single-task.  Do one thing at a time and give it all you got.
  25. Finish one project before you start another.
  26. Be yourself.
  27. When traveling, pack light.  Don’t bring it unless you absolutely must.
  28. Clean up after yourself.  Don’t put it off until later.
  29. Learn to cook, and cook.
  30. Make a weekly (healthy) menu, and shop for only the items you need.
  31. Consider buying and cooking food in bulk.  If you make a large portion of something on Sunday, you can eat leftovers several times during the week without spending more time cooking.
  32. Stay out of other people’s drama.  And don’t needlessly create your own.
  33. Buy things with cash.
  34. Maintain your car, home, and other personal belongings you rely on.
  35. Smile often, even to complete strangers.
  36. If you hate doing it, stop it.
  37. Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother.
  38. Apologize when you should.
  39. Write things down.
  40. Be curious.  Don’t be scared to learn something new.
  41. Explore new ideas and opportunities often.
  42. Don’t be shy.  Network with people.  Meet new people.
  43. Don’t worry too much about what other people think about you.
  44. Spend time with nice people who are smart, driven, and likeminded.
  45. Don’t text and drive.  Don’t drink and drive.
  46. Drink water when you’re thirsty.
  47. Don’t eat when you’re bored.  Eat when you’re hungry.
  48. Exercise every day.  Simply take a long, relaxing walk.
  49. Let go of things you can’t change.  Concentrate on things you can.
  50. Find hard work you actually enjoy doing.
  51. Realize that the harder you work, the luckier you will become.
  52. Follow your heart.  Don’t waste your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams and desires.
  53. Set priorities for yourself and act accordingly.
  54. Take it slow and add up all your small victories.
  55. However good or bad a situation is now, it will change.  Accept this simple fact.
  56. Excel at what you do.  Otherwise you’ll just frustrate yourself.
  57. Mature, but don’t grow up too fast.
  58. Realize that you’re never quite as right as you think you are.
  59. Build something or do something that makes you proud.
  60. Make mistakes, learn from them, laugh about them, and move along.

Friday, October 29, 2010

"For a kiss to be really good, you want it to mean something. You want it to be with someone you can't get out of your head, so that when your lips finally touch you feel it everywhere. A kiss so hot and so deep you never want to come up for air. You can't cheat your first kiss. Trust me, you don't want to. Cause when you find that right person for a first kiss, it's everything."
-Alex Carev, Grey's Anatomy

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's been a long time since the day that I made up my mind. I've never regretted it or doubted if I made the right choice or wished for a different outcome. But that doesn't mean I don't think about it. As much as I think that I've let go, the thought of what could have been does creep up on my now and then... especially when someone reminds me of him.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

"True story, I was happy. My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and my girlfriend? She was a dream! There was only one thing bothering me, very much indeed, and that one thing was her younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was twenty years of age, wore tight mini skirts and low cut blouses. She would regularly bend down when near me and I got many a pleasant view of her underwear. It had to be deliberate. She never did it when she was near anyone else. One day little sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived. She whispered to me that soon I was to be married, and she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome and didn't really want to overcome.
She told me that she wanted to make love to me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister. I was in total shock and couldn't say a word. She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want to go ahead with it just come up and get me." I was stunned. I was frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs. When she reached the top she pulled down her panties and threw them down the stairs at me. I stood there for a moment, then turned and went straight to the front door. I opened the door and stepped out of the house. I walked straight towards my car. My future father-in-law was standing outside. With tears in his eyes he hugged me and said, "We are very happy that you have passed our little test. We couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter. Welcome to the family."

The moral of this story is: Always keep your condoms in your car.

Monday, October 04, 2010

To me, “FEARLESS” is not the absence of fear. It’s not being completely unafraid. To me, FEARLESS is having fears. FEARLESS is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, FEARLESS is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. FEARLESS is falling madly in love again, even though you’ve been hurt before. FEARLESS is walking into your freshmen year of high school at fifteen. FEARLESS is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again…even though every time you’ve tried before, you’ve lost. It’s FEARLESS to have faith that someday things will change. FEARLESS is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can’t breathe without them. I think it’s FEARLESS to fall for your best friend, even though he’s in love with someone else. And when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they’ll never stop doing, I think it’s FEARLESS to stop believing them. It’s FEARLESS to say “you’re NOT sorry”, and walk away. I think loving someone despite what people think is FEARLESS. I think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is FEARLESS. Letting go is FEARLESS. Then, moving on and being alright…That’s FEARLESS too. But no matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it. You have to believe in love stories and prince charming and happily ever after. That’s why I write these songs. Because I think love is FEARLESS.

- Taylor Swift

Thursday, September 30, 2010

this is mildly entertaining...

Friday, August 27, 2010

"A journey of a thousand miles must
begin with a single step."
- Chinese Proverb

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.
  - George F. Will

Friday, August 13, 2010

something we all wish we could do. this girl quits her job with messages that she wrote on a dry erase board... genius. First of i never heard of this HOPA, but if its Hot Piece Of Ass, shouldn't it be HPOA? And garbage diSPENCER... and then I discovered that is was all FAKE :(

but while looking at that post I found this video... and I started crying... isn't it weird how you can cry about other people's happiness? They aren't tears of joy but not tears of sadness either...
WYSIWYG or who I don't accept compliments well

So one of our procedures at work constantly uses an acronym WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), which I think is kind of hilarious, gotta love the engineers who wrote it. What it means is sort of a "preview" so if you type a message into the printer it will show you exactly how it's going to print it.

This got me to thinking of how awesome this acronym really is... I mean I can totally describe myself with it. I work pretty hard on making sure that my actions match up my words. Simply because it is a huge pet peeve of mine when people don't mean what they say. I hate flaky people. I don't see how you can say something and don't mean it. I guess I'm naive like that. So if you want me to believe something you better show it rather than say it.

I've been told several times that I'm pretty bad at accepting compliments. I typically shrug or laugh them off. And it got me thinking... I think it's because the best compliment you can give to a person is not a verbal one. Words really pretty much mean nothing if there isn't an action to back them up. I have experienced it first hand too many times to actually take what people say seriously. This is not to say that I don't ever compliment people, I definitely do... but I think if I like someone they will know about it far sooner than me actually saying those words. This doesn't apply to just "boys" either, even more so with friends, I hate people who put no effort into friendships and flake out at you at the last second. In the past year or two I majorly weeded out my friends. I pretty much made a vow to myself that I will not associate with people who wouldn't do for me what I would do for them. That being said I consider myself a pretty loyal person and I will go out of my way for the people I care about, no problem. But as soon as I see that the other person is just using it or if I need help and they are nowhere to be found, as sweet as I am I can be a bitch too.

rant over

Sunday, August 01, 2010

beer for every mile
This guy is nuts haha, he ran half a marathon and drank a beer for every mile. He eventually states- "beer is a very good thing for a run of six miles or less."

I have a very much love/hate relationship with running. If I'm in a bad mood, nothing will make me feel as good as a long exhausting run. I don't really see it as "running away" from my problems, but rather exhausting my mind and body enough to not think about them for a bit. I'm in no way shape or form a good runner. In HS I could barely run a mile. It wasn't until college until I started running and pushing myself. That's the thing about running, you can come up with a million reasons to stop, or to keep going and that is pretty much the only variable, it's so much more mental than it is physical. I know lots of people who are in a much better physical shape than me say that they can't run for more than 5 minutes.
Human body is actually made for long distance runs. So this spring I decided to start running more. I decided I was going to work my way up to a 5k. Which doesn't seem like much to someone who runs on regular basis, but before this the longest I've ran EVER was probably 2 miles. It took me probably 2 months of not very consistent running(damn work schedule) to make it. I found out that I hit a couple of blocks when I run, but as long as I keep going through them they go away and I get the so called 2 wind. Does this happen to everybody? I have no clue.
I am just now realizing that this was a totally pointless post. Oh well, I'm off to bed...

Saturday, July 31, 2010


1) Thats not right........ Sum Ting Wong
2) Are you harboring a fugitive................... Hu Yu Hai Ding
3) See me ASAP............. Kum Hia Nao
4) Stupid Man...................... Dum Fuk
5) Small horse... Tai Ni Po Ni
6) Did you go to the beach?... Wai Yu So Tan
7) I bumped in to a coffee table... Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni
8) I think you need a face lift... Chin Tu Fat
9) It's very dark in here... Wao So Dim
10) I thought you were on a diet... Wai Yu Mun Ching
11) This is a tow away zone... No Pah King
12) staying out of sight... Lei Ying Lo
13) He's cleaning his automobile... Wa Shing Ka
14) Your body odor is offensive... Yu Stin Ki Pu
15) Great... Fa Kin Su Pah

On that note.. I've really been feeling like learning a new language or at least refreshing one that I already know (Spanish or Hebrew). I would even take a class in community college if only my work schedule wasn't so hectic... Or maybe I should stop making excuses and just do it?

112 ways to say... I LOVE YOU

English - I love you
Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M'bi fe
Bangla - Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan - T'estimo
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki'
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal kita
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Frisian - Ik hâld fan dy
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian - Mikvarhar
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S'agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian - Aloha Au Ia`oe (Thanks Craig)
Hebrew - Ani ohev otah (to female)
Hebrew - Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi - Nu' umi unangwa'ta
Hungarian - Szeretlek
Icelandic - Eg elska tig
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu
Inuit - Negligevapse
Irish - Taim i' ngra leat
Italian - Ti amo
Japanese - Aishiteru
Kannada - Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili - Nakupenda
Konkani - Tu magel moga cho
Korean - Sarang Heyo
Latin - Te amo
Latvian - Es tevi miilu
Lebanese - Bahibak
Lithuanian - Tave myliu
Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni
Marathi - Me tula prem karto
Mohawk - Kanbhik
Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl - Ni mits neki
Navaho - Ayor anosh'ni
Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo
Persian - Doo-set daaram
Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish - Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese - Eu te amo
Romanian - Te iubesc
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic - Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbian - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sign Language - ,\,,/ (represents position of fingers when signing'I Love You')
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux - Techihhila
Slovak - Lu`bim ta
Slovenian - Ljubim te
Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German - Ich lieb Di
Surinam - Mi lobi joe
Tagalog - Mahal kita
Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil - Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai - Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai - Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu - mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh - 'Rwy'n dy garu di
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba - Mo ni fe

Friday, July 30, 2010

So OkCupid posted an article - The Big Lies People Tell In Online Dating.
Where they went and "trended" data from their website to address the typical dating myths such lying about your height and posting outdated pictures.
Now I'm a sucker for statistical things like this, and I must give them credit for having some sneaky strategies to debunk these myths. Like getting into the text tags created by cameras for the pictures uploaded on the site to see how "vintage" they were.

Kind off topic but my favorite statistics related website is by far - GapMinder. Where they've compiled a lot of statistical data(mostly from UN) from around the world and provided a very cool visualization tool or you to play around and trend things like CO2 emissions or HIV rates around the world over different parameters. The guy who developed the software,Hans Rosling, also has lots of cool videos on the site. His big thing is "dispelling common myths about the so-called developing world". Of course, statistical data is easy to screw to fit your argument, but I still really like what he has to say.

Things like this make me think that maybe I should consider statistics for grad school. Who knows...

Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm big on quotes and all sorts of inspirational sayings, this is one of my favorite videos from that series. It's based on an article from Chicago Tribune from 1997, in which the author says that this would be the commencement speech she would give if she were asked to give one.

"...I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine.

Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4 p.m. on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing every day that scares you.


Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements.


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't.

Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's.

Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room.
Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.

Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents. You never know when they'll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings. They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel.

Accept certain inalienable truths: Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund. Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you're 40 it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen. "
So.. I've sort of never used this for anything useful and forgot I've actually created this blog years ago. Until, today I decided to actually maybe start a blog and when I tried to join I discovered I already had an account. I don't really have a direct theme or purpose to why I want to start one either... But I figured that it would be fun to post some things that I enjoy/find funny and maybe later look back at them as I used to my long abandoned LJ.

So.. Today I have off. Having off on weekdays is actually kind of awesome, because while everyone else is having "a case of mondays" you are enjoying your day. Of course, this comes at price of having to work the whole weekend while everyone else was enjoying them selfs. How I eneded up at this job? I'm not really sure to be honest. I just know that I found myself graduating with a degree in Biology, which I worked pretty hard on, full all ambitious how I was smarter than all of those Business majors (who all already had jobs by graduation, btw) and how I was going to get an awesome job and enjoy my life as a young professional, move to the city.... yada yada yada. I was slapped with the hard reality of the current economic condition and lack of jobs for people who already HAD experience... So, I heard that a couple of my friends were working at this pharmaceutical company, and that they were still hiring. I never really wanted to do anything with pharmaceutics but it was beginning of August and the excitement sitting at home all day long has kind of wearing off... So I got this "temporary" job that I'm still doing a year later... I guess I shouldn't complain because it could be a lot worse, and it is for some people that I know. Either way, I'm kind of used to 12 hour shifts, no nail polish and wearing sneakers to work everyday....

I'm sure the glamorous life of a Pharmaceutical Technical Specialist would bore you to death(as i does me), so I am not going to go much into the details of WHAT it is that I do... but let's just say that it doesn't really require much brain cells, which is also a good description of a whole bunch of people who work there. Which leads to lost of funny and not so "funny" stories...

I guess, for now, besides my random ramblings, I'll use this to post interesting stuff that I bump into online (that would be the same reason that I started to use Google Buzz, and Twitter but never kept them up)

P.S. My spelling and grammar and not perfect, I'm well aware of that. I also HATE proofreading what I write.. so love it or leave it :)