Monday, July 26, 2010

So.. I've sort of never used this for anything useful and forgot I've actually created this blog years ago. Until, today I decided to actually maybe start a blog and when I tried to join I discovered I already had an account. I don't really have a direct theme or purpose to why I want to start one either... But I figured that it would be fun to post some things that I enjoy/find funny and maybe later look back at them as I used to my long abandoned LJ.

So.. Today I have off. Having off on weekdays is actually kind of awesome, because while everyone else is having "a case of mondays" you are enjoying your day. Of course, this comes at price of having to work the whole weekend while everyone else was enjoying them selfs. How I eneded up at this job? I'm not really sure to be honest. I just know that I found myself graduating with a degree in Biology, which I worked pretty hard on, full all ambitious how I was smarter than all of those Business majors (who all already had jobs by graduation, btw) and how I was going to get an awesome job and enjoy my life as a young professional, move to the city.... yada yada yada. I was slapped with the hard reality of the current economic condition and lack of jobs for people who already HAD experience... So, I heard that a couple of my friends were working at this pharmaceutical company, and that they were still hiring. I never really wanted to do anything with pharmaceutics but it was beginning of August and the excitement sitting at home all day long has kind of wearing off... So I got this "temporary" job that I'm still doing a year later... I guess I shouldn't complain because it could be a lot worse, and it is for some people that I know. Either way, I'm kind of used to 12 hour shifts, no nail polish and wearing sneakers to work everyday....

I'm sure the glamorous life of a Pharmaceutical Technical Specialist would bore you to death(as i does me), so I am not going to go much into the details of WHAT it is that I do... but let's just say that it doesn't really require much brain cells, which is also a good description of a whole bunch of people who work there. Which leads to lost of funny and not so "funny" stories...

I guess, for now, besides my random ramblings, I'll use this to post interesting stuff that I bump into online (that would be the same reason that I started to use Google Buzz, and Twitter but never kept them up)

P.S. My spelling and grammar and not perfect, I'm well aware of that. I also HATE proofreading what I write.. so love it or leave it :)

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